Please let me ask a question about "Content Delivery third-party JAR file reference" below. http://docs.sdl.com/LiveContent/content/en-US/SDL%20Tridion%20full%20documentation-v1/GUID-7FC8BE58-FD55-4BC6-B2BE-26FC0C25013C

There was a doc defect below and it has been fixed in CRQ-4086.

In SDL Tridion 2013 SP1, hsqldb.jar 2.3.0, httpmime.jar 4.1.3, xalan.jar 2.7.1 are bundled. However, the documentation below says hsqldb.jar 2.2.8, httpmime.jar 4.1.2, and xalan.jar 1.3.

Correct jar version of those hsqldb.jar, httpmime.jar and xalan.jar could be checked in MANIFEST.MF.

However, there is no version information of following jar files in MANIFEST.MF of those.

  • jdbcpool.jar
  • json-smart.jar
  • sftp.jar
  • easylicense.jar

Question, How can the correct version of jdbcpool.jar, json-smart.jar, sftp.jar and easylicense.jar be checked?

1 Answer 1


Taken from the DD4T BOM for 2013 SP1 or used in previous projects:

  • Hi Raimond, Thank you for your response. I looked at dd4t-bom-2013SP1-2.1.0-beta.pom you mentioned and could see json-smart-version is 1.1.1. It means the documentation below is incorrect as it says json-smart.jar 1.0. docs.sdl.com/LiveContent/content/en-US/… I will raise a change request for it. Is there any way to verify which version of jdbcpool.jar, sftp.jar and easylicense.jar are bundled in Tridion2013SP1? In dd4t-bom-2013SP1-2.1.0-beta.pom, there is no information about those 3.
    – Yoshi
    Commented May 16, 2017 at 2:16
  • A couple of years ago I did a lot of research into this and the three mentioned jars are very old and not very well versioned. Changed the jdbcpool version btw.
    – Raimond
    Commented May 16, 2017 at 9:16

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