See: Redirect to 404.html doesnt work on second time

We found that in case of a 404 error, DXA wants to open a custom page "error-404.html" in the Home Structure Group, like in the example website. However, we want to change the location of that page to a sub Structure Group folder (any maybe the name as well) but we cannot find where that setting is set. Can anyone tell us where that is set?

14-4-2021 Additional info after suggested solution of Atila Sos. This is the code that I created for the override of the NotFound method but somehow it is not hit when a non existing page is requested in the browser. What do I do wrong?

using System.Web; 
using System.Web.Mvc; 
using Sdl.Web.Common; 
using Sdl.Web.Common.Logging; 
using Sdl.Web.Common.Models; 
using Sdl.Web.Mvc.Configuration; 
using Sdl.Web.Mvc.Formats; 
namespace Sdl.Web.Mvc.Controllers 
public class CustomPageController : PageController 
/// <summary> 
/// Render a custom file not found page 
/// </summary> 
/// <returns>404 page or HttpException if there is none</returns> 
public override ActionResult NotFound() 
using (new Tracer()) 
string notFoundPageUrl = WebRequestContext.Localization.Path + "/Subfolder/Errors" + "/404"; 
PageModel pageModel; 
pageModel = ContentProvider.GetPageModel(notFoundPageUrl, WebRequestContext.Localization); 
catch (DxaItemNotFoundException ex) 
throw new HttpException(404, ex.Message); 
PageModel model = EnrichModel(pageModel) as PageModel ?? pageModel; 
WebRequestContext.PageModel = model; 
Response.StatusCode = 404; 
return View(model.MvcData.ViewName, model); 

1 Answer 1


The location is hardcoded within DXA's source code. Take a look at the PageController's NotFound method.

string notFoundPageUrl = WebRequestContext.Localization.Path + "/error-404";

The method is virtual so you can override it. Truth be told, it would be better to have direct control over just the location :)

  • I followed your advise to override the NotFound methode (see the comment and code that I added to the original request). Can you tell me what I do wrong in the code? Commented Apr 14, 2021 at 15:11
  • 1
    Have you "relinked" your route to your CustomPageController?
    – Atila Sos
    Commented Apr 14, 2021 at 15:24
  • Thanks Atila Sos, your answer helped me to solve this. So the complete solution was this. Besides creating the custom pagecontroller as mentioned in the original request, I had to change the routing of all the methods of the page controller to custom page controller in the global.asax. So, in the routing, everywhere where controller= "Page" is set, it should be changed to controller= "CustomPage". Finally, in the solution, I had to rename the views folder from "Page" to "CustomPage". Commented Apr 19, 2021 at 9:49

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