When I am copy pasting the Component, the Component Metadata is not getting updated(cleaning the fields) through Event Handle, I am subscribing the event as shown below. but when checked the newly created component the metadata fields are not updated(cleaned). can anyone please help me on this.

EventSystem.Subscribe<Component, CopyEventArgs>(OnCopysubject, EventPhases.Initiated);

private void OnCopysubject(Component subject, CopyEventArgs e, EventPhases phase)
                log.Info("ComponentMetdata.Events: " + subject.Title, LoggerCategory.General);
                if (subject.Metadata != null)
                    XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                    var nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable);
                    nsmgr.AddNamespace("uuid", xmlDoc.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("xmlns"));

                    var xmlNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//uuid:metadata", nsmgr);
                    if (xmlNode != null)
                        foreach (XmlNode node in xmlNode)
                            if (node.Name != "targetMarkets")
                                node.InnerText = "";                                

                        XmlElement xElement = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
                        subject.Metadata = xElement;
                        log.Info("ComponentMetdata.Events: " + "subject.Metadata.OuterXml" + subject.Metadata.OuterXml, LoggerCategory.General);

            catch (Exception exception)
                log.Info("ComponentMetdata.Events: " + exception, LoggerCategory.General);


1 Answer 1

  • You'd have to get the component from the CopyEventArgs.CopiedObject, which will have the results of the copy operation.
  • The CopiedObject will be null in the Initiated event phase. Use the Processed phase instead of Initiated in the event subscription.
  • You've not called the VersionedItem.Save() method to save the metadata changes made on the copied component.
  • Rather than you processing the XML, use ItemFields available in the Tridion.ContentManager.ContentManagement.Fields namespace. It's much simpler to get/set the content and metadata fields of components based on their schema.

So in your case, this should work:

EventSystem.Subscribe<Component, CopyEventArgs>(OnCopysubject, EventPhases.Processed);
private void OnCopysubject(Component subject, CopyEventArgs copyEventArgs, EventPhases phase)
        Component component = (Component)copyEventArgs.CopiedObject;
        if (component.Metadata != null )
            ItemFields metadataFields = new ItemFields(subject.Metadata, subject.MetadataSchema);

            // Based on the type of the metadata field, cast to the apppropriate class. 
            ((TextField)metadataFields["targetMarkets"]).Value = "";

            subject.Metadata = metadataFields.ToXml();
            subject.Metadata = metadataFields.ToXml();
    catch (Exception exception)

  • 1
    Nice answer and good point on working with the fields over the API! Commented Sep 24, 2021 at 18:52
  • Thank you Sabarish, this was very useful and resolved the issue. Commented Oct 1, 2021 at 11:49

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