I am using the below code to fetch metadata from Keywords using Taxonomy API. I am able to retrieve the Keyword names, but not their metadata. Please suggest.
TaxonomyFactory taxonomyFactory = new TaxonomyFactory();
PublicationCriteria pubCr = new PublicationCriteria(41);
ItemTypeCriteria isKwd = new ItemTypeCriteria(1024);
Criteria[] arrCriteria = {pubCr,isKwd};
Criteria c = new AndCriteria(arrCriteria);
Query q = new Query(c);
foreach (string uri in q.ExecuteQuery())
+ test - " + taxonomyFactory.GetTaxonomyKeyword(uri).KeywordName + "
Keyword item = taxonomyFactory.GetTaxonomyKeyword(uri);
CustomMeta customMeta = item.KeywordMeta;
if (customMeta != null)
IDictionary mnd = customMeta.NameValues;
IEnumerator mne = mnd.GetEnumerator();
if (mne != null)
DictionaryEntry de = (DictionaryEntry)mne.Current;
NameValuePair currentMeta = (NameValuePair)de.Value;
if (currentMeta != null)
Response.Write(currentMeta.Value); // this is actually returning the TCM ID's and not the values