I have run into a little problem with the SiteEdit/UI/Experience Manager. I have upgraded from 2009 to 2011 SP1 and the majority of things seem to work fine except I'm getting an error every time I create a page. The problem occurs when it tries to create the page and it fails with the error message shown below. Despite failing it does succeed in creating the actual page and if I reload the page with the error message everything appears fine.
The implementation is done with VBScript and I have tried to apply this UI_2012.0.0.81248 hotfix, but it didn't solve the problem. I do have a blank page in the root of my website, so it shouldn't be related to the 404 error which sometimes happen with the UI.
Compiler Error Message: CS1576: The line number specified for #line directive is missing or invalid
Line 138: #line hidden
Line 139:
Line 140: #line 0 "D:\Websites\[my website]\en\products-solutions\dfsdf.aspx"
Line 141: using ASP;
#line hidden
is actually in your code, but looking up the the CS1576 Compiler Error suggests this is missing a line number. Maybe try removing line 138 or adding a number there?