I am trying to to write a generic class CoreServiceSession to get the different type of client like CoreService or SessionAware. Below is my code:

 public class CoreServiceSession<T> : IDisposable
        where T : CoreServiceClient,SessionAwareCoreServiceClient

        private T _client;

        public T CoreServiceClient
            get { return _client; }

        public CoreServiceSession(string endPoint, NetworkCredential credentials, ClientType clientType)
            if (_client == null)
                InitializeClient(endPoint, credentials, clientType);

        private void InitializeClient(string endPoint, NetworkCredential credentials, ClientType clientType)
                switch (clientType)
                    case ClientType.CoreServiceClient:
                        _client = (T)new CoreServiceClient(endPoint);
                    case ClientType.SessionAwareCoreServiceClient:
                        _client = (T)new SessionAwareCoreServiceClient(endPoint);
                    _client.ChannelFactory.Credentials.Windows.ClientCredential = credentials;


            catch (EndpointNotFoundException e) { }
            catch (Exception e) { }

However I am getting Compile Time error saying "Cannnot convert to SessionAwareCoreServiceClient to T. Can I get any help here? And also If I reverse the position of client Type in constraint "where T : CoreServiceClient,SessionAwareCoreServiceClient " then it start giving the same error for CoreServiceClient.

1 Answer 1


As per c# specs here T : CoreServiceClient,SessionAwareCoreServiceClient is incorrect, You can have only one class at start or/and followed by multiple interfaces Multiple classes are not allowed here. so you can change the code accordingly.

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