What is the Enum int for the Rendering Phase of a Publish Transaction?
I found this handy chart about Publish States, but I don't think I understand where 'Rendering' is in the list.
In my code I have this list, but I forgot where I found it...and it seems to not correspond with the documented list above...
// 0 = Failed
// 1 = Scheduled for Publish
// 2 = Waiting for publish
// 3 = In progress
// 4 = Scheduled for deployment
// 5 = Waiting for deployment
// 6 = Failed
// 7 = Success
// 8 = Warning
// 9 = Resolving
// 10 = Rendering
// 11 = Throttled
// 12 = Ready for transport
// 13 = Transporting
// 14 = Deploying
// 15 = Preparing Deployment
// 16 = Pre-committing deployment
// 17 = Committing deployment