What is the Enum int for the Rendering Phase of a Publish Transaction?

I found this handy chart about Publish States, but I don't think I understand where 'Rendering' is in the list.

In my code I have this list, but I forgot where I found it...and it seems to not correspond with the documented list above...

// 0 = Failed
// 1 = Scheduled for Publish
// 2 = Waiting for publish
// 3 = In progress
// 4 = Scheduled for deployment
// 5 = Waiting for deployment
// 6 = Failed
// 7 = Success
// 8 = Warning
// 9 = Resolving
// 10 = Rendering
// 11 = Throttled
// 12 = Ready for transport
// 13 = Transporting
// 14 = Deploying
// 15 = Preparing Deployment
// 16 = Pre-committing deployment
// 17 = Committing deployment

1 Answer 1


It's 9. The list in your code does not look quite right.

The TOM.NET and Core Service API documentation lists them as follows:

enter image description here

Up to and including 7 (Warning) these also match the old TOM's TDSDefines.EnumPublishTransactionState.

Of course... It's an enumeration, so you really shouldn't need to know what the number is, you should just be able to use PublishTransactionState.Rendering, which is far more readable and maintainable ;)

  • Love the 2 items for Success, 1 with a typo :)
    – robrtc
    Commented Oct 27, 2015 at 8:41
  • 1
    Yeah. Only the typo existed until it was corrected in SDL Tridion 2011, but the typo had to stay in order to be backwards compatible. Both enumerate to 6 though, so are interchangeable. 'Succes' is marked as obsolete. Commented Oct 27, 2015 at 8:46

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