I need to install the Legacy Pack in SDL Web 8 to support some VBScript templates. Following the instructions on this page I ran the .exe installer at the command prompt.



The problem is the Installation GUI does not show the Legacy Pack option in advanced options. I am using the SDL Web 8.1.1 download that includes both 8.1 and 8.1.1.

Is the switch name different than the documentation? I am using LEGACY_VISIBLE=true

I also found another list of installer switches, but the LEGACY_VISIBLE switch was not among them. http://docs.sdl.com/LiveContent/content/en-US/SDL%20Web-v1/GUID-B9FFD1EC-A598-42C7-92BF-C24D9B21B473

  • 2
    The parameter is correct. I have just ran installer with using following string 'SDLWeb8CM.exe LEGACY_VISIBLE=true' and worked fine for me. Can you please check that installer log file in your %temp% folder (SDL_Web_8_timestamp.log) contains following string: Setting string variable 'LEGACY_VISIBLE' to value 'true' Commented Apr 11, 2016 at 19:37
  • Yes, this does work for me. Maybe earlier I was not using capitals and also I was trying with the -s and then LEGACY_VISIBLE=true
    – robrtc
    Commented Apr 12, 2016 at 5:53

1 Answer 1


is proper parameter. It worked for me when I ran installer like:


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