I have started working over a POC to give a JSON response from the key value pairs content created in Tridion whose keys,values are not definite and can be anything.
I have tried using asp.net JavaScriptSerializer for serializing data into JSON and also Newtonsoft.Json in c# TBB. Somehow instead of using third party libraries I got inclined towards JavaScriptSerializer and now the issue is some of the html content is having html entities in the final output.
For example: If component A has a key Header and value as I am footer then my output after serializing is coming as { "Header": "\u003cdiv\u003eI am footer\u003c/div\u003e" }
I tried HttpUtility.HtmlDecode but it isn't working. Is there a way I can have a proper output or using Newtonsoft.Json is the only option left.