I need a few images as background images for my CSS being published from the HTML Design in DXA. However, adding images to the assets folder of my zip file doesn't seem to add anything to my web application when I publish the HTML Design. In fact, if I add these images to the file system manually in the appropriate location (..\system\assets) they are removed when I hit my website.
I realize there are ways to manually deploy the images to other locations, but I'd prefer to manage these images in the same location as my CSS, in the zip file. Is this possible?
It seems like there's an unresolved issue reported on the DXA project for this functionality: https://github.com/sdl/dxa-html-design/issues/1, which suggests it is not possible at this time, but this questions seems to suggest it may be possible: Is it possible to publish binary files with same name to multiple directory by DXA?