I'm in the process of upgrading a Tridion instance from 5.2 to 2011 SP1 HR1.
Everything has gone smoothly in the upgrade - namespaces have been updated for the new Content Delivery dlls etc and everything is publishing and running correctly.
However, I'm now getting an issue with a couple of custom pages and having never developed on Tridion 5.2, I'm struggling to see if this is an upgrade (deprecated) issue, configuration issue or something else.
Both of the custom pages attempt to read data from Tridion using TDS in the following way:
using TDS;
TDSE t = new TDSE();
Publication pub = t.GetPublication([tcmid]);
However, this is throwing the following error:
Unable to case COM object of type 'TDS.TDSEClass' to interface type 'TDS._TDSE'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID {...} failed due to the following error: No such interface supported.
Is this something that has been deprecated in 2011 SP1 and will need a rewrite or am I just missing configuration for this?
Any help is greatly appreciated here.