Tridion doesn't return items from the CMS Search - it always returns "There are no items in this view".
I have tested with a word in Search Term input and with a type search and it always returns "No results".
I have executed the Powershell command: (Get-TcmRepository).ID | Sync-TcmSearchIndex -verbose
and the results indicate indexing is happening:
Next, I've tried renaming the folder solr-data
(C:\Tridion\Search\solr-data) and executing the above command again and I see the folder gets created again.
Following this, I've restarted the Search Indexer and Search Host Service but the result is the same: "No results".
In another post, I learned that I could try to repeat the method previously described and execute the command Get-tcmqueueinfo
to see the elements that it was necessary to reindex, returning the following result:
When the results in Search Queue row shows 0 - I've restarted the Search Indexer and Search Host Service but the result is the same: "No results".
Can anybody help me?