In Tridion Sites 9 we have the option to use a JMS Broker to help cache objects in Content Delivery.

If any JMS Broker can work, would it be possible to use RabbitMQ?

1 Answer 1


Scaling out the deployer: ActiveMQ and Amazon SQS are supported.

For server side caching JMS is supported but the JMS vendor is not specified as it does not matter, just the type of messages.

Here's a link Robert: https://gateway.sdl.com/apex/communityknowledge?articleName=000007093

That articles quotes the documentation (8.5): https://docs.sdl.com/LiveContent/content/en-US/SDL%20Web-v5/GUID-7E728735-073B-4827-AABE-B45592CFF36D ... and

the Sites 9 version is here (same bar reference to marketing title and a couple of JAR references): https://docs.sdl.com/LiveContent/content/en-US/SDL%20Tridion%20Sites-v1/GUID-7E728735-073B-4827-AABE-B45592CFF36D

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