While upgrading from Tridion 2011 to Web 8.5, I am unable to read TCMURI from webDAV. Due to which custom templates are failing (below is the code snippet from one of such templates). Any Idea about this issue?
string pubwedav = tbbContext.GetContextPublication().WebDavUrl.ToString();
itemWebDavOrTcmUri = pubwedav + itemWebDavOrTcmUri;
//Retrieve the TcmUri of the Tridion Item
var tridionItem = tbbContext.RetrieveItemAsObject(itemWebDavOrTcmUri);
TcmUri tcmUri = tridionItem != null ? tridionItem.Id : null;
. Are you using 8.5 DLLs and not 2011 DLLs? And are the DLLs x64 and not x86 if the server is x64? Please provide more information (tridion.stackexchange.com/help/how-to-ask.)