For Sites 9.1, I have written Custom resolver for doing an action when someone Un-publish page or component.
I am deploying using Add-on server. My package consists of .dll and manifest file.
Sharing manifest file content that takes care of page scenario(using itemType:
Tridion.ContentManager.CommunicationManagement.Page) and Component scenario separately (using itemType:Tridion.ContentManager.ContentManagement.Component) for Components.
However, I am not able to modify manifest.json correctly for both page and component itemType together.
What would be the configuration update in manifest.json to cover both Page & Component?
manifest.json file content:
"manifestVersion": "1.0",
"version": "",
"id": "AssetUnpublish",
"name": "AssetUnpublish",
"author": "SDL developers",
"description": "Custom Resolver",
"minVersion": "",
"maxVersion": "",
"requireConfiguration": "No",
"extensions": [
"type": "CMResolver",
"name": "AssetUnpublish",
"supportedVersions": "",
"properties": {
"itemType": "Tridion.ContentManager.CommunicationManagement.Page",
"type": "CustomAssetResolver.MyResolver",
"assemblyFileSource": "CustomAssetResolver.dll"