I am trying to setup a basic DXA application as steps given here: http://www.tridiondeveloper.com/using-and-debugging-dxa-java-with-web-8-5-on-amazon

However, I am facing two issues:


java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot detect ViewModel for ViewData MvcDataImpl(controllerAreaName=Framework, controllerName=Entity, actionName=Entity, areaName=GMENEDxaOamFeatures, viewName=Login, regionAreaName=null, regionName=null, routeValues={}, metadata={})
    at com.sdl.webapp.common.impl.model.ViewModelRegistryImpl.getViewModelType(ViewModelRegistryImpl.java:168)
    at com.sdl.dxa.tridion.mapping.impl.DefaultModelBuilder.buildEntityModel(DefaultModelBuilder.java:101)
    at com.sdl.dxa.tridion.mapping.impl.ModelBuilderPipelineImpl.createEntityModel(ModelBuilderPipelineImpl.java:92)
    at com.sdl.dxa.tridion.mapping.impl.ModelBuilderPipelineImpl.createEntityModel(ModelBuilderPipelineImpl.java:79)
    at com.sdl.dxa.tridion.mapping.impl.DefaultModelBuilder.createEntityModel(DefaultModelBuilder.java:402)
    at com.sdl.dxa.tridion.mapping.impl.DefaultModelBuilder.lambda$addEntitiesToRegionModels$3(DefaultModelBuilder.java:364)

2.) The default pom.xml has dependency versions missing. How to correct this ? enter image description here

  • PLease let us know what version of DXA java are you trying to install
    – Anand N S
    Commented May 25, 2021 at 6:56
  • I checked the pom.xml of my project. It mentions DXA 2.2.3 Commented May 25, 2021 at 7:17

2 Answers 2


The first issue clearly states that the custom models and views have not been registered with DXA. You'd have to create a class that extends AbstractModuleInitializer and register all views and custom entity models. For your setup you should have something like this:

public class CustomInitializer extends AbstractModuleInitializer {
        @RegisteredViewModel(viewName = "Login", modelClass = <EntityModelClass>.class)
    @ModuleInfo(name = "GMENEDxaOamFeatures Module", areaName = "GMENEDxaOamFeatures", description = "Custom Module")
    public static class GmeneDxaOamFeaturesInitializer extends AbstractModuleInitializer {
        protected String getAreaName() {
            return "GMENEDxaOamFeatures";

Also, the custom views for your module need to be placed in src/main/resources/WEB-INF/Views/GMENEDxaOamFeatures. So the Login.jsp view should go in this folder.

DXA documentation for registering view models: https://docs.sdl.com/784837/551231/sdl-digital-experience-accelerator-2-2/registering-a-custom-module-in-dxa.


Please refer to this stack exchange link how to install latest java version and some reference on how to build link

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