After generating the access token in postman I am trying to list the publications using below Url


But I am getting below error in postman

"message" : "access denied for the user client-id#" "data":{ "errorCode": "AccessDenied", "category" : "security" }

I am referring "Tridion Sites Content Manager API client(admin)" service account and client id to generate the token.

But I am not sure about this error. can you please help me on this issue.

1 Answer 1


i found the issue. we disabled the automatic user creation because of that I was getting "access denied" error.

  • Good find. I've heard of organizations intentionally disabling user creation. If that were an issue I'd recommend connecting user access to specific claims coming from the Identity Provider, but that's a bit off topic for your original question. :-D Commented Mar 1 at 18:54

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