I have a season schema in which episodes is an multivalued embeddable field. Episode schema is further having pricing as embeddable field. In Pricing schema there is a drop down list field which is fetching values from category named 'CurrencyType', The default value for currency type field is keyword 'USD' which was created in 010 Schema Master. Other keywords in currency type category are created in 030 content master. While creating season component, the first episode shows the correct default value for currency type field i.e. USD. But as Episode is a multivalued field, when I add second episode then instead of default value in pricing i.e. 'USD' it shows other keyword selected i.e. 'CAD'
When I add second episode instead of Default value i.e. 'USD' which is higlighted in above image, it shows some other keyword i.e. 'CAD'