We’ve experienced issues where what the Tridion CM thinks is published to a specific publishing target (components and/or pages) doesn’t match the content that is actually located on that publishing target.
For instance, we have a daily job which queries the Broker database for a list of ‘expired’ components and then tries to unpublish them. Each day, roughly 400 of the components returned by the query are items the Tridion CM doesn’t think are published to the publishing target the broker database is associated with. This results in the unpublishing of those 400 component failing and the components continuing to show up as the results of queries we run against the broker database.
We have found we can rectify this if we re-publish the component and then unpublish it but this seems somewhat kludgy. Because the CM doesn't think these components are published we have also had some unfortunate situations where we have deleted the component from Tridion but the component still exists in the Broker database and now we cannot even use the kludgy solution to get these items unpublished.
We’ve had some similar issues with pages and we have also had instances where the CM thinks components/pages are published to a publishing target but the component/page doesn't actually exist on that target.
Any thoughts on how we can get the publishing statuses for items in the CM back in Sync with what the publishing targets actually have published to them?