I am trying to grab a multimedia component which is linked as a parameter to a TBB. Typically I am just grabbing strings passed in as parameters such as below, however I am unable to find a way to do the same for components.
String value = package.GetValue("inputValue");
I have tried to get the value from the properties (as shown below), with no luck.
string xsltComponentId = xsltMMComponentItem.Properties[Item.ItemPropertyTcmUri];
Component xsltMMComponent = (Component)engine.GetObject(xsltComponentId);
Also tried to get it AsSource:
string xsltComponentId = xsltMMComponentItem.GetAsSource().GetValue("ID");
Component xsltMMComponent = (Component)engine.GetObject(xsltComponentId);
If someone could give me some guidance as to how I can get the component link, it would be appreciated.