In versions 2011 and earlier, you could (on the CM server) paste the TCM uri of an item into the browser address bar in IE and hey presto - the TCM protocol handler enabled you to see the full XML of the item. In 2013 it doesnt work - why is this?
1 Answer
It appears the protocol handler is not installed on your system, which comes along with the COM+ legacy pack. So you have to install the legacy support for COM+ to be able to use the protocol handler.
If you join the PowerTools project and help making them work on 2013, you could use the ItemXML instead ;).
1This is indeed correct, Protocol Handlers are COM based, and only available if you install the Legacy pack.– Nuno Linhares ♦Commented Mar 15, 2013 at 9:48
1Thanks Bart - yes indeed ItemXML powertool is much better anyway, as you can view from any machine and browser... Commented Mar 15, 2013 at 10:25
FYI, I've already made a branch of the PowerTools for 2013 that should work fine. Commented Mar 18, 2013 at 11:04