I am using the PowerShell Core-Service module (https://code.google.com/p/tridion-powershell-modules/) and I can easily obtain the schema Publication Target Destination by tcm id:
$schema1 = Get-TridionItem -id "tcm:0-3-8"
However, I can not look up the HTTPS schema for Publication Target Destination by webdav url unless I put in a double //. When I open the HTTPS schema in the CME, I see it's webdav url (or location) is simply "\" so, I would expect this should work:
$schema2 = Get-TridionItem -id "/webdav/HTTPS.xsd"
but it tells me there is no item with that ID. however, if I when I looked it up by tcm id, it told me that the webdav location is actually /webdav//HTTPS.xsd and indeed this works:
$schema2 = Get-TridionItem -id "/webdav//HTTPS.xsd"
Can anyone explain why this is the case? I can look up our schemas without this double // (e.g. "/webdav/C020%20Shared%20Global%20Content%20US%20English/Building%20Blocks/System/Content/Administration/Administrative%20Alerts/Dashboard%20News%20and%20Notifications.xml")