I'm trying to capture the resolved items using the Publish Context of my current Publish Transaction.
My code works in case of Publish of a Bundle and all the resolved items for the respective Identifiable object are fetched. But same code fails to capture when it is Unpublish.
This is the code I'm using
List<PublicationTarget> pubTargets = new List<PublicationTarget> { pubTrans.PublishContexts.First().PublicationTarget };
// Gets theTridion ResolvedItems for the Current Component from ResolveInstruction
var resolvedItems = default(Tridion.Collections.ISet<ResolvedItem>);
if (isBundleItem)
var pubContext = ResolveEngine.ResolvePublishContext(publishedObject, pubTrans.Instruction.ResolveInstruction, pubTargets);
resolvedItems = ResolveEngine.ResolveItem(publishedObject, pubTrans.Instruction.ResolveInstruction, pubContext.First());
I'm passing the Publish Transaction through an event.
EventSystem.Subscribe<PublishTransaction, SaveEventArgs>(PublishOnTransactionSaveFinished, EventPhases.TransactionCommitted);
This is what I found in CHM file for TOM.NET API.
ResolveItem Gets a list of ResolvedItem to be (un-/re-)published to given PublishContext if an (un-/re-)publish action is performed on this item.
This suggests that the method should work for both Publish and Unpublish. Please let me know what I'm missing here.