I'm trying to check for component links in structure groups so that I can re-create the linked components with the following code:

    public void CheckForComponentLinks(string sgId)
        using (var client = new CoreServiceClient("basicHttp"))
            // Read structure group details
            var structureGroup = (StructureGroupData)client.Read(sgId, new ReadOptions());

            // Get schema fields
            var schemaFields = client.ReadSchemaFields(structureGroup.MetadataSchema.IdRef, true, new ReadOptions());

            // Loop over metadata and check for component links
            foreach (var field in schemaFields.MetadataFields.OfType<ComponentLinkFieldDefinitionData>())
                Console.WriteLine("Component Link");   


I've managed to get my console to write out every time it finds a component link, but I need to now get the component data for each one found.

So ideally I'd like to be able to do something like this:

ComponentData cData = (ComponentData)client.Read(COMPONENT_ID, new ReadOptions());

But the problem is I can't get the "COMPONENT_ID" of the component from "field". The only thing I can think of is if I parse the XML that I get back from structureGroup.Metadata and check for tcm Ids?

I've also had a look at Frank' s Fields class but can't see how to get back the tcm Id from ForMetadataOf.

Does anyone know of a way I can achieve this?

1 Answer 1


OK I've written a solution to my problem. See code below:

    public void CheckForComponentLinks(string sgId)
        using (var client = new CoreServiceClient("basicHttp"))
            // Read structure group details
            var structureGroup = (StructureGroupData)client.Read(sgId, new ReadOptions());

            // Parse metadata to Xml
            var metaData = structureGroup.Metadata;
            XNamespace xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
            var elem = XElement.Parse(metaData);

            // Loop over each tcm id and start check
            foreach (var item in elem.Elements().Where(x => x.Attribute(xlink + "href") != null))
               // Do something here

So I'm parsing the Xml and checking for Tcm Ids, works a treat for me!

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