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Questions tagged [format-area-styles]

SDL Tridion contains a rich text editor field which can be used as a schema field for content editors to enter rich text, such as lists, headings, images and other HTML elements. The Format Area Styles CSS file allows developers to provide editors with the ability to add specific CSS classes to the mark up they edit in the rich text editor.

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14 votes
5 answers

Adding Classes to the FormatAreaStyles.css - Tridion 2009

I am trying to edit the FormatAreaStyles.css file in Tridion 2009 to add custom classes to the dropdown in the Rich text editor. In 2011 I know the file is here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Tridion\web\...
Adam Seabridge's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Can we add multiple css classes through the FormatAreaStyles CSS?

Well I would be super happy if you can help me out with one of my issues. I am a GUI guy and use Tridion but do not have a great deal of knowledge about it. 1) Can we have 2 classes in one option in ...
Vipin's user avatar
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