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Getting a list of Components (filtered) BasedOnSchema from Folder

[Tridion beginner] I have a folder named Components where I store different Components. Now, I would like (in C# code fragment template building block that I put in component template) to get list of ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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Unable to create-edit components with specific schema

We use Tridion 2013 environment and with two schema we recently have issues. In the past we were able create/edit components using these schema without issues. Now if we open existing components or ...
frank's user avatar
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How can I put the HTML into the component RTF field using core service?

I am putting HTML into the component field using the core service. I write the following code: ComponentData componentData=(ComponentData)client.getDefaultDataItemType.COMPONENT,folderId, new ...
pankaj Sharma's user avatar
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Which Schema Field contain the html not Xhtml?

I am creating a schema and component using core service I create a XhtmlFieldDefinitionData field to putting the html but it take the Xhtml when I putting the html into this field it giving me ...
pankaj Sharma's user avatar