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Questions tagged [componentpresentation]

A component presentation is the output created by rendering a specific component with a specific template. Component presentation can also refer to the pairings of component and template typically found in a page.

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Is it possible to render ComponentPresentation into another ComponentPresentation so that the contents will appear in the page?

I am new to Tridion. I am asking how to render ComponentPresentation into another ComponentPresentation so that the contents will appear in the page. I have this written on the template building ...
Jen Bals's user avatar
0 votes
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Is there any way to change the page template and component template via automation using core services?

We have a requirement to change the page templates and component templates to a newer version available for all our pages and components via automation. Are there any extensions available or any ...
Hari Rompicharla's user avatar
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How could we recover Component info in alternative way of PageMeta that always comes null?

We need to recover Component Info (schema id or component Template id) in order to know how to apply a condition with this info. Via PageMeta we could observe that always component presentation meta ...
Sergi TG's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to execute ascx in Tridion Site 9.1 (Migrating from Tridion 2011)

For a client I'm finally migrating a Tridion 2011 environment to Tridion Site 9.1. It took my already a lot of time to do the upgrade/install of the Content Manager and the Content Delivery but most ...
Glenn Franquet's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

DXA 2.0 API to Retrieve DCPs as Entity Models in a REST API

I have a DXA 2.0 webapp with Web 8.5 working without issues. I am trying to build a REST API in DXA to spit out JSON content of a DCP. I'm able to use the Broker API (ComponentPresentationFactory) to ...
Sabarish Senthilnathan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Efficient approach to get Component Presentation objects as array of JSON objects in Java (non-MVC)

Requirement: Java web application (non-MVC) needs to fetch required Component Presentations objects from Tridion Broker DB. Some basic conditions to fetch DCPs will be: Schema=S1 ...
Gulshan Thakur's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Tridion:ComponentPresentation embeded in the page - SDL web 8.5

I have an issue with content within a Component Presentation (REL) not being displayed on a published page. We are migrating from Tridion 2011 to SDL web 8.5, so, these component templates were ...
Carolina's user avatar
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1 answer

Published page contains <tcdl:ComponentPresentation>

I have been migrated to SDL Web 8.1. I have published one Page. The main body of page content is having <tcdl:ComponentPresentation type="dynamic" ComponentURI="value" ...
afreen's user avatar
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1 answer

DD4T ComponentPresentationFactory - Caching issue

During performance testing, I am hitting the following issue when the load increases on my presentation servers for DCPs. 2017 - 04 - 21 00: 06: 38, 419[9] ERROR - Internal Server Error System.Web....
Shiva's user avatar
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Issue with dynamic component presentation DD4T 2.0

we have upgraded to dd4t 2.0 recently. Now i'm facing issue in getting dynamic component presentation using component presentation factory. i'm using ComponentPresentationFactory....
Rajesh G's user avatar
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2 answers

DD4T 2.0 RenderComponentPresentationsByView is not returning output

We upgrade to web 8 and upgraded an existing .NET DD4T 1.31 website to .NET DD4T 2.0. We have made necessary changes to compile the Website with latest DD4T 2.0 DLL and web 8 DLLs and JAR files ...
Prasanna K Gollamudi's user avatar
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1 answer

Get ComponentPresentations of an Array of ComponentURIs

I am new to both Tridion or DD4T. Our application is making large number of calls to Tridion to retrieve one ComponentPresentation at a time. It is slowing down the page load. We have already ...
ShaggyInjun's user avatar
2 votes
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DD4T.ContentModel.Component does NOT include URI

(Apologies if this is a naff question, but I am pretty new to DD4T) I am seeing some unexpected behavious in DD4T. We need to be able to retrieve a component, including the full URI for our client ...
maurocam's user avatar
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Associating Target Groups with Component Presentations?

We added component presentation as follows Component Presentation 1: Component 1 + CT 1 + Target group: Desktop Component Presentation 2: Component 1 + CT 1 + Target group: Tablet Component ...
Prasanna K Gollamudi's user avatar
6 votes
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TCDL Engine doesn't work after migrate to Web 8

Recently we migrated Tridion from 2011SP1 to Web 8, and noticed when publish a page witha simply embedded component presetation, the TCDL tag and the component presentation rendering result are both ...
user1988's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Can Tridion's OData service be updated?

Looking at OData documents I want to be able to use the query option $select=... like this$select=Name,Category. However, $select is only for OData ...
Robert Stull's user avatar
2 votes
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DD4T 2.0 Dynamic presentation retrieval Error

I am using DD4T 2.0 with Asp.Net MVC 5 Application. I have created a page without component presentation and the page data are rendered properly. Then i have added a component presentation to the page ...
user1947's user avatar
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Get history version component's render result

We want to have the history version component's publish result and wondering whether any Tridion API can support our needs. As one example, we have a HTML component, after publish, the ...
qchen01's user avatar
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Remove dcp from publishing package

We have a CT that has DCP's in his tbb razor code using the specific tag. We want to remove this dcp's from the package that is generated when I publish the component related with the initial CT. ...
Guskermitt's user avatar
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DD4T 2.0 with Java MVC - Is it possible to use the same CT for multiple components(based on same schema) schema) while using ViewModels Class

Is it possible to use the same CT for multiple components(based on same schema) considering the mapping required at ViewModels Class for CT name. Because if we see the source for CT is same as using ...
Gulshan Thakur's user avatar
2 votes
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Dreamweaver rendering single component presentation

I am trying to render a particular Dreamweaver component template. can anyone help me with the script to display a particular component presentation.
Hari Krishna Gaddipati's user avatar
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Include TCDL tag in component presentation for a component

Let me give you a clear picture of my requirement. I have a component having only one RTF field. Lets say I have 100 components using that particular component.Now whenever there is some changes made ...
user1595's user avatar
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In-page Navigation with DD4T

I'd like to suggest to my technical team (DD4T Java) a DD4T version of In-page Component Presentation-based Navigation. In other words, we want to create something like the following. <ul> &...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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Getting personalisation tracking to work with dynamic component presentations

Just wondering if there is a way of getting the <tridion:IncrementKey runat="server"> Profiling and Personalisation tracking working with Dynamic Component Presentations? I have been ...
Matt Hill's user avatar
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3 answers

Want to migrate content and page from Tridion to IBM WCM

Want to migrate content and Pages from the Tridion to the WCM. Here need is the content and page source from the CMS. Want to read the Source and store it on the local machine How to proceed with ...
k951's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How do we can implement Custom controller for business logic and ViewModel seperation

I have following requirements for DD4T. I want to write custom business logic for my components. I don't want to write business logic in my component views, as it will violate the mvc principles I ...
Ravi Gadag's user avatar
3 votes
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Rendering 10,000 components on page, page loading is very slow

I have a folder that contains 30,000 components and all will be rendered on a page, I am using following line in my page design to render component using a component template <!-- ...
Ali's user avatar
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DD4T - LinkedComponentValues Field count shows zero, even having the LinkLevel attributes

I have a DD4T component template with the following source. <CompoundTemplate xmlns=""> <TemplateInvocation> <Template ...
Ravi Gadag's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Resolving TCDL tags from dynamic component presentations

I have the following setup: Two component templates: CT Commercial, CT Commercial block, both dynamic and set to REL. Commercial is a simple component with title and text. Commercial block has a ...
user3760419's user avatar
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Does RenderComponentPresentation() retrieve minor version of the component?

We are retrieve a component content by using below method by passing the component ID and Component Template ID. However, when I publish the component using bundle, my changes are not reflected. On ...
Keirthana's user avatar
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Dynamic component presentations in collection on CT level

I have the following scenario: I have Component C1 which is linked from component C20. C20 has a dwt with call to render component presentation for all linked components (in this example C1 with ...
user3760419's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to delete a component which is attached to a page without deleting the page itself?

I have a many pages and and many components in the publication. I want to delete the Component that attach to the page without delete the page itself. I tried but it giving me error that: This ...
pankaj Sharma's user avatar
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How to get the component template web dav url from CME in C#

How to get the component template web dav url from tridion using C#. After fetching that CT url passing to the folder object. Right now i'm using the hard-coded path, but in the future it may won't ...
Doors's user avatar
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How to return the component template id based on the name of the component template

I want to make it generic method if we want to read the component template id based on the component template name for any publication or folders it should work. Need to be done using C# and want to ...
Doors's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to implement live chat function in Tridion?

I have 3 sets of websites all maintained in Tridion: Each brand website is implemented in multiple languages. For example:
TriStar's user avatar
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Is it possible to publish a component using a dynamic component template statically on a page?

I have a requirement where I need to have a component presentation be published statically to a page. The catch is, the component is added to the page using a Component Template that has been marked ...
Alex Klock's user avatar
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DD4T: Not able to render component presentation in same order in RendercomponentPresentation()

i have two component in CP which uses same schema and CT but inserted different position in page. i want the components to be rendered inside some condition in different places in page. but i cant use ...
Balajhi SV's user avatar
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Getting a list of Components (filtered) BasedOnSchema from Folder

[Tridion beginner] I have a folder named Components where I store different Components. Now, I would like (in C# code fragment template building block that I put in component template) to get list of ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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XPM: Moving component presentations in a page

I am trying to move component presentations across a page using XPM, but I don’t completely understand the rules followed by XPM to move component presentations. Does it calculate the new place using ...
Inmaculada Palacios's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

SDL Tridion 2013 DCP not working

I have a Dynamic CT with priority set to "high", which is used to publish a component that is present in all the pages of my website. However, for 2013, this DCP is not displaying the changes in the ...
guest_2014's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a Tridion Default Components Library?

Components like navigation, breadcrumbs, toolbar, table, login, search are the components mostly used in every web portal. Does Tridion has its default set of library providing these components OOTB, ...
Vinny's user avatar
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Unable to create-edit components with specific schema

We use Tridion 2013 environment and with two schema we recently have issues. In the past we were able create/edit components using these schema without issues. Now if we open existing components or ...
frank's user avatar
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How to pass Tridion Content TCM URI to Javascript

I have a JavaScript call inside the content like below <a onclick="playVideo('http://xx/002A70/ChampionsOfChange/xx.mp4','Victor Dickson',tcm:24-17703); return false;" href="#"> <img ...
Vani's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I put the HTML into the component RTF field using core service?

I am putting HTML into the component field using the core service. I write the following code: ComponentData componentData=(ComponentData)client.getDefaultDataItemType.COMPONENT,folderId, new ...
pankaj Sharma's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Which Schema Field contain the html not Xhtml?

I am creating a schema and component using core service I create a XhtmlFieldDefinitionData field to putting the html but it take the Xhtml when I putting the html into this field it giving me ...
pankaj Sharma's user avatar
2 votes
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Invalid Page ID when pushing data to APP_DATA

I am implementing this : Additional info for a Component Presentation for controlling a Page layout outside Tridion by custom GUI extension. That is adding a custom tab for every component ...
Keirthana's user avatar
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Using REL as output format to DCP when the target Publication language is JSP to resolve dynamic link tridion:href on Dreamweaver template

I have the following code in my DW TBB (partially shown here): <!-- TemplateBeginIf cond="Component.Schema.Name='EmployeeTestimonial'" --> <li> <a tridion:href="@@...
Estanislao's user avatar
3 votes
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What is difference in Static CP and DCP

I have read some article and detail regarding Static CP and DCP but want difference in points. like. 1. if i have read that if you create static CP then any changes in CP you need to publish all pages ...
Vivek Chauhan's user avatar
4 votes
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Render multivalued Multimedia Component link with metadata in DWT

I have Component with multivalued Multimedia Component link field named "list". Each Multimedia Component has its own metadata ("thumbnail" and "altText"). I need to write a DWT TBB to extract those ...
AmateurCoder's user avatar
8 votes
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Setting the "origin" attribute on a dynamic link in a REL DCP

I have a DCP with Allow on Page Using Dynamic Assembly checked which I am storing in the database. This DCP is a summary display of a component, and it contains a component link to another component ...
Nate Niemi's user avatar