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Topology Manager and discovery service

I am unable to publish any item in Tridion with new publishing infrastructure business process type , its status showing waiting for publish only.

we have successfully installed Topology Manager and discovery service in CME machine and followed below steps to configure topology manager.

Add-TtmCdTopologyType -Id BlogPostDev -Name BlogPostDev -EnvironmentPurposes Dev

Add-TtmCdEnvironment -Id SampleCD -EnvironmentPurpose Dev -DiscoveryEndpointUrl "http://localhost:8082/discovery.svc" -AuthenticationType OAuth -ClientId cmuser -ClientSecret CMUserP@ssw0rd 

Add-TtmCdTopology -Id BlogTopology -Name "Blog Topology" -CdTopologyTypeId BlogPostDev -CdEnvironmentIds SampleCD

Add-TtmWebsite -Id DevTestSite -CdEnvironmentId SampleCD -BaseUrls "" 

Add-TtmWebApplication -Id DevWebApp_Test -WebsiteId DevTestSite -ContextUrl "/" 


Add-TtmCmEnvironment -WebsiteRootUrl -AuthenticationType Basic -Username cmeuser -Password passowrd 

Where and how to configure Content Deployer(linux machine) path in discovery service If we have multiple content deployers ? what is the DiscoveryEndpointUrl in our case , is it http://localhost:8082/discovery.svc or Content deployer (linux) ?

Can you provide details on above Thanks in advance

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