I am unable to publish any item in Tridion with new publishing infrastructure Business Process Type, its status is showing "waiting for publish" only.
We have successfully installed Topology Manager and Discovery service in the CME machine and followed below steps to configure the Topology Manager:
Add-TtmCdTopologyType -Id BlogPostDev -Name BlogPostDev -EnvironmentPurposes Dev
Add-TtmCdEnvironment -Id SampleCD -EnvironmentPurpose Dev -DiscoveryEndpointUrl "http://localhost:8082/discovery.svc" -AuthenticationType OAuth -ClientId cmuser -ClientSecret CMUserP@ssw0rd
Add-TtmCdTopology -Id BlogTopology -Name "Blog Topology" -CdTopologyTypeId BlogPostDev -CdEnvironmentIds SampleCD
Add-TtmWebsite -Id DevTestSite -CdEnvironmentId SampleCD -BaseUrls "http://example.com"
Add-TtmWebApplication -Id DevWebApp_Test -WebsiteId DevTestSite -ContextUrl "/"
Add-TtmCmEnvironment -WebsiteRootUrl http://xx.xx.x.xxx -AuthenticationType Basic -Username cmeuser -Password passowrd
Where and how to configure the Content Deployer (linux machine) path in Discovery service, if we have multiple Content Deployers?
What is the DiscoveryEndpointUrl
in our case, is it http://localhost:8082/discovery.svc or Content Deployer (linux)?
Can you provide details on above Thanks in advance
in Topology Manager; the CM installer does that for you.Mapping
in Topology Manager (I only seeAdd-TtmMapping