AFAIK In the DXA 2.2+ the cms-import.ps1 has CoreService Contract Version check logic and automatically determines the correct version to pick up the correct import packages.
It doesn't need any configuration changes. not sure you are using the correct version of cms-import.ps1 install script from DXA 2.2+, or could be something that goes wrong in this below script version check.
Here is the code reference which is used in the cms-import.ps1 script for the version check:
function Is-Sites9 {
# sites9 uses a contract version of 201701 (whereas web8 will use 201501)
return (Get-CoreServiceContractVersion) -eq "201701"
function Get-CoreServiceContractVersion
Write-Verbose "Determining latest contract version supported by Core Service ..."
foreach($v in "201701", "201501")
if(Test-Url $cmsUrl "/webservices/CoreService$v.svc?wsdl")
Write-Verbose "Core Service supports contract version $v"
return $v
throw "Unable to determine Core Service version using base URL '$cmsUrl'"
At least. I did a test today from this in Tridion Sites 9.5 and confirm it was working fine, but didn't have a chance to test against in 8.5.
This is the command I did use in my environment which is HTTPS enabled.
.\cms-import.ps1 -importType all-publications -cmsUrl https://localhost/ -cmsUserName username -cmsUserPassword xxxxx -cmsAuth Basic