We want to set WebDav to handle paths with special characters. We followed this in the documentation for Tridion 2013:
If some component in name has some special characters < & > # % * : | ~ + webdav need to handle this. To enable WebDAV to handle paths with an & sign in the name, you need to update a registry key. Steps to execute:
- On the Content Manager server, open the Registry Editor.
- Navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ASP.NET
- Add a new key to this key called VerificationCompatibility (a DWORD) and set it to the value 1. To learn more about this issue, refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 826437 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/826437)
However, this solution explained above didn’t help in our case and after creating one component with special character & in Tridion, and opening that component with webdav following error appeared.
<system.web><httpRuntime requestPathInvalidCharacters="" /></system.web> under <configuration>
section in%tridion_home%/webdav/web.config
? This solution is provided here: stackoverflow.com/questions/6025522/…