After following the steps in Error while updating Discovery Service Registrations I am faced with a new problem.

When I try to add a new mapping to an existing WebApplication like below

Add-TtmMapping -PublicationID tcm:0-18-1 -WebApplicationID Website1_RootWebApp -RelativeUrl /dev/en/ -CmEnvironmentId Tridioncm_WWCMCEO1000DIT

I get the error

Add-TtmMapping : Unable to save item of type 'MappingData' with id 'Mapping6'. One or more errors occurred. An error occurred while communicating with CD Discovery Service 'http://url:8082/discovery.svc' in CD Environment 'CdEnvironment1'. Error performing batch request 400 BAD REQUEST The related used by item doesn't exist in database: Website1_RootWebApp

This part is strange, item doesn't exist in database: Website1_RootWebApp

Tracing this backwards, trying to find the error, I've explored the following

Is the WebApplication Id correct? Yes


ContextUrl           : /
WebsiteId            : Website1
EnvironmentPurpose   : Staging
CdEnvironment        :
ScopedRepositoryKeys : {}
Id                   : Website1_RootWebApp
ExtensionProperties  : {}

Does the WebApplication exist in CdEnvironment1? Yes


BaseUrls             : {http://url}
CdEnvironmentId      : CdEnvironment1
EnvironmentPurpose   : Staging
CdEnvironment        :
ScopedRepositoryKeys : {}
Id                   : Website1
ExtensionProperties  : {}

So I am not sure why I am getting this error.

When I check on the Topology Manager side, I see similar answers
















I think that the problem could be the following

Before executing steps in Error while updating Discovery Service Registrations DefaultWeb (in my discovery database) was Website1_RootWebApp

If I sync with WebCapability commented out, there is no DefaultWeb

If I sync with WebCapability included, I have two DefaultWeb rows, each with a GUID. There is no sign of Website1_RootWebApp

  • 3
    Can you also try to sync Topology Manager items then? Using cmdlet 'Sync-TtmCdEnvironment -Id CdEnvironment1' and check if it will return any errors. This command should delete all previous data related to Topology Manager items in Discovery service and re-create them again. Topology Manager items will not be touched though. Commented Jun 14, 2016 at 7:29
  • If all else fails, you could recreate your Discovery Service DB, register the Capabilities again and then use Sync-TtmCdEnvironment to synchronize with Topology Manager. Commented Jun 14, 2016 at 17:55
  • 1
    Stan, if you can expand that into and answer you win the prize Commented Jun 16, 2016 at 6:47
  • I had the same issue. I ran Sync-TtmCdEnvironment and then Add-TtmMapping worked.
    – M Roweth
    Commented Dec 7, 2016 at 15:17
  • Sync-TtmCdEnvironment is the best way to fix it. make sure discovery.svc is accessible from your CMS. Commented Jul 25, 2017 at 4:52

1 Answer 1


Sync-TtmCdEnvironment is the best way to fix it. make sure discovery.svc is accessible from your CMS

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