We have three options when queueing items for publishing.
- Publish Content Now
- Publish Content Later
- Schedule Publish Phases Separately
If choosing the third option we can choose generate publishable content now or later as part of "phase 1."
Phase 1: Generate Publishable Content
- Generate Publishable Content Now
- Generate Publishable Content Later
We can independently choose to place content online after this first phase or later.
Phase 2: Place Content Online
- Place Content Online Immediately After Phase 1
- Place Content Online Later
Does the first phase "simply" render the content as it exists at that time in the CM? Does it do anything else aside from running template and resolving related items to publish?
What's the difference between choosing
Generate Publishable Content Now
withPlace Content Online Immediately After Phase 1
versus the basicPublish Content Now
? Do these accomplish the same behavior?
I can definitely see a case for generating the publishable content now and placing it online later. I'm hesitant about generating later (because you'd have to trust changes get made in time). But when would you recommend generating now and placing immediately (which sounds like publish now)?