How to create custom popup in tridion which will be shown when execute method gets called?

In GUI extension while executing the . _execute method I would like show custom popup modal. Not that browser popup.

I want to create new modal popup and display that when ._execute function gets called. This ._execute function is getting called on one button click.

So that's I am trying to achieve. Please let me know as early as possible if anyone know anything.

  • Can you provide more details and your use case? Without many details I can say that GUI extensions is what you need. Commented Sep 19, 2018 at 11:29
  • 1
    Can you also highlight what you've looked at/read/tried? Commented Sep 19, 2018 at 12:32
  • Welcome to Tridion Stack Exchange, @Dipak. In terms of use case, it would indeed help to edit your question to add where you're trying to create such a pop-up. For example, is this for editors or for visitors of your website? Commented Sep 20, 2018 at 8:14
  • In GUI extension while executing the . _execute method I would like show custom popup modal. Commented Sep 20, 2018 at 11:16
  • In GUI extension while executing the . _execute method I would like show custom popup modal. Not that browser popup. I want to create new modal popup and display that when ._execute function gets called. This ._execute function is getting called on one button click. So that's I am trying to achieve. Please let me know as early as possible if anyone know anything. Commented Sep 20, 2018 at 11:19

1 Answer 1


To open your own popup, you simply call the createExternalPopup method of the $popupManager class and pass in the URL and a few other parameters.

For example (taken from the command of my open-sourced CountItems Alchemy plug-in):

execute: function (selection)
    var p = this.properties;
    var selectedItem = this._getSelectedItem(selection);
    var url = "${ViewsUrl}CountItemsPopup.aspx#selectedItem=" + selectedItem;
    var height = this._getPopupHeight(selectedItem);
    var parameters = "width=432px, height=" + height + "px";
    var args = { popupType: Tridion.Controls.PopupManager.Type.EXTERNAL };

    p.popup = $popupManager.createExternalContentPopup(url, parameters, args);
    $evt.addEventHandler(p.popup, "close", this.getDelegate(this.closePopup));

I recommend implementing your popup window as a View (this.addInterface("Tridion.Cme.View");) and to fire events when buttons are clicked (such as fireEvent("close") to close the popup from the calling execute method).

For an example, take a look at the Popup.js file in the CountItems repository. On line 6, it inherits from Tridion.Cme.View and in the close() method it calls fireEvent.

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