In theory this should be possible. Note that you can only have 1 Indexer per storage configuration, so if you want to do this, you need something like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration Version="8.5"
<!-- SI4T:
Example SI4T / Solr config. Merge with existing config
<!-- SI4T:
configure custom DAO Bundles
<Bundle src="SearchDAOBundle.xml"/>
<!-- SI4T:
Example configuration in case JPA is used to publish pages. This is for example the case in DD4T setups.
The standard Class is overridden.
It is possible to mix and match JPA and FS Search DAO factories should there be need.
Type="persistence" Id="defaultdb" dialect="MSSQL"
<Pool Type="jdbc" Size="5" MonitorInterval="60" IdleTimeout="120" CheckoutTimeout="120" />
<DataSource Class="">
<Property Name="serverName" Value="[SERVERNAME]" />
<Property Name="portNumber" Value="[DBPORT]" />
<Property Name="databaseName" Value="[DBNAME]" />
<Property Name="user" Value="[DBBROKERUSERNAME]" />
<Property Name="password" Value="[DBBROKERPASSWORD]" />
<!-- SI4T: configure the indexer class,
as well as which binaries to index, the default URL to post documents to as well as
pointing the indexer to specific cores for specific Publications.
<!-- SI4T:
The Value attribute is the complete URL to a Solr Core
The Id attribute denotes a unique Tridion Publication Id
<Url Value="http://localhost:8080/solr/staging_pub5" Id="5" />
<Url Value="http://localhost:8080/solr/staging" Id="8" />
<Url Value="http://localhost:8080/solr/staging" Id="12" />
Type="persistence" Id="otherdatastoreid" dialect="MSSQL"
<Pool Type="jdbc" Size="5" MonitorInterval="60" IdleTimeout="120" CheckoutTimeout="120" />
<DataSource Class="">
<Property Name="serverName" Value="[SERVERNAME]" />
<Property Name="portNumber" Value="[DBPORT]" />
<Property Name="databaseName" Value="[DBNAME]" />
<Property Name="user" Value="[DBBROKERUSERNAME]" />
<Property Name="password" Value="[DBBROKERPASSWORD]" />
<!-- SI4T: configure the indexer class,
as well as which binaries to index, the default URL to post documents to as well as
pointing the indexer to specific cores for specific Publications.
<Indexer Class="org.si4t.cloudsearch.CloudSearchIndexer"
documentEndpoint="-Your AWS CloudSearch Document endpoint URL-"
indexBatchSize="20" />
<ItemTypes defaultStorageId="defaultdb" cached="false">
<Publication id="22" defaultStorageId="defaultId" cached="false">
<Item />
<Publication id="55" defaultStorageId="otherdatastoreid" cached="false">
<Item />
<!-- Specifies the location of the license file. -->
<License Location=""/>
So, you basically map different publications to different storageIds which have different indexers.