Till now we had published the (non DXA) website files on disk.

With the DXA application content will come from broker database and we can expect a lot of write/reads to folders for example BinaryData\tcm-96\media. We have to inform our hosting partner for how many time this will be used (compared with non DXA).

My questions are:

  • Where is BinaryData..\ used for (images, pages, content) ?
  • What load can we expect on folder BinaryData... ?
  • Is it more then once? How is this handles in the DXA Framework ?
  • Will there be more then .. % load then in the before DXA ?
  • Who is deleting old (cashed) files from BinaryData.. ?

Thanks in advanced for anwering.

  • welcome to Tridion stack exchange , can you please specify your tridion version and DXA version
    – Anand N S
    Commented Sep 23, 2020 at 7:25
  • tridion 9 with DXA2.2 Commented Sep 23, 2020 at 7:30

1 Answer 1

  • Where is BinaryData..\ used for (images, pages, content) ?
    • The BinaryData folder structure is a FileSystem cache for so-called Static Content Items. That is: binaries, assets and configuration files (stored as Binary in the database). This file system cache results in much better performance and less load on the CD database.
  • What load can we expect on folder BinaryData... ?
    • Each incoming request binary data will result in a file read. File writes are much less frequent (only when a new binary is published or an existing one is updated).
    • DXA includes HTTP cache headers for the Static Content Items which make the browser cache them client-side and not request the same item multiple times.
  • Is it more then once? How is this handles in the DXA Framework ?
    • I don’t understand this question
  • Will there be more then .. % load then in the before DXA ?
    • Load on the BinaryData cache will be similar to load on the File System when binaries are published to File System directly.
  • Who is deleting old (cashed) files from BinaryData.. ?
    • It is best to schedule a job which removes old files on a regular basis.
  • Rick thanks for the response, I guess for question number 3 - i think what i understand is - Requests for other assets, such as configuration, images, CSS, or script files, are handled by a Static Content (HTTP) Module, which retrieves them directly from the Content Provider.
    – Anand N S
    Commented Sep 25, 2020 at 8:16

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