I am using Instant Campaign module for managing the landing pages comes as zip package. I am facing one issue while updating the content of the page.
Once I publish the page and request the page I see there is a folder created automatically which contains zip content.
Path of the directory : \<ApplicationFolder>\BinaryData\<folder with Publication Tcm ID as folder name>\campaign-content\<folder with Component TCMID as folder name>
In order to have the updated content I have to follow the below steps:
- Delete the folder which contains the actual content
- Recycle the app pool
- Request the page
After executing the above steps I see the folder is again created with updated content.
Is there any other way to invalidate the cache. As for other normal DXA pages I don't see any issue with content updation. These contents are automatically updated after publishing. (Using AMQ service).
What I observed the page is being cached at IIS level. Even if I delete the folder the page works fine as it is being cached at IIS.
Can any one suggest how to handle this. As recycling the app pool is not a good practice after each content Publish.
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folders. I would suggest raising a ticket with RWS Support ASAP.