I'm upgrading an old project to DD4T 2.5 & Tridion 9.5 and it had some unit tests in NUnit.
I replaced the dependency injection with DD4T.DI.Autofac so instead of registering everything ourselves I just call UseDD4T() in the setup of the unit tests.
Unfortunately when I run the tests I get an error:
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException : Could not find part of the path 'R:\path\to\ProjectFolder.Tests\bin\Debug\bin'.
I checked the code DD4T.DI.Autofac: https://github.com/dd4t/DD4T.DI.Autofac/blob/develop/source/DD4T.DI.Autofac/Bootstrap.cs
I see they're using this to get the assemblies.
var binDirectory = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "bin");
When running the application this works fine, but for unit testing it's giving this error. Does anybody know a fix?