I'm working on a power tool that editors can use to update a component. Why we want this is not important right now ;p...
I'm using CKEditor for the rich text options. http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_3.x/Developers_Guide/Minimum_Setup
But I would prefer to use the Tridion wysywig editor. Why? Well for one controlling component linking. I wasn't able to do so, that's why I used the CKEditor but would love to replace it with the Tridion editor. So my hopes are on you guys :-)
Update (feedback to Alvin's answer):
Thanks Alvin, I don’t have any problems writing the component data back to Tridion, neither do I have any problems getting rich text editing to work (3rd party control).
My only problem is that I would like to use as much Tridion functionality. The component that I'm writing this Powertool for has 500+ (embedded) fields and is slow when editing in Tridion. But it's super fast using my own creation.
Now I want to take it to the next step by adding Tridion rich text editing to use things like component linking, and embedding images loaded from Tridion, etc. which I can't do using the 3rd-party control.
So for me opening the component using the component popup from Tridion has no value since it will be as slow as it is now in Tridion. Changing from embedded to multiple component could be a solution. But the editor does not want this (there are reasons why not). I think I will try to reverse engineer the item selector that John refers to.