I would like to get the workflow info for a Component using the Tridion JavaScript Framework (Anguilla). When I create a new Component and it enters workflow, and then I use the following code it works. But, when I refresh the GUI it does not work any longer. How can I 're-load' this item and make sure getWorkflowInfo always gives me the good stuff?

var item = $models.getItem(selection.getItem(0));
var wfInfo = item.getWorkflowInfo();

if(typeof(wfInfo) != "undefined") {
    if(wfInfo.activityPerformedBy() == Tridion.UI.UserSettings.getJsonUserSettings(true).User["@ID"]) {


1 Answer 1


you need to "load" an item before you can get workflow info, try this.

var item = $models.getItem(selection.getItem(0));

function itemLoaded() {
    $evt.removeEventHandler(item, "load", itemLoaded);

    var wfInfo = item.getWorkflowInfo();

$evt.addEventHandler(item, "load", itemLoaded);


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