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Questions tagged [workflow]

Workflow is a module that allows the definition of business processes which can be applied to content. For example: approval of content before publishing. Process definitions are defined in Visio. Some process tasks may be automated with VBScript in Tridion 2011 or less and in C# in Tridion 2013.

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Why can't components created before a workflow implementation be sent through workflow?

95% of our content was created before workflow was implemented. In the Spring of 2022, workflow was implemented. But, none of the content created before the workflow implementation actually gets ...
user5273's user avatar
4 votes
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What is the recommended best practice for C# Workflow using External Activity for Logging and Configuration?

I have a c# workflow using an external activity assembly uploaded into a TBB. Currently I have a logging class to write to a hard coded file path in the DEBUG build. The RWS example documentation does ...
Chris Mills's user avatar
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Email Notification using Events System

Looking for a solution to add email notification to workflow in Tridion 9.1. I'm not the developer so I just need directions on where to look or who to contact. I'm getting pushback from my ...
Colette Johnson's user avatar
3 votes
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Unable to find Translation Manager TmBinaryEndpointV2

Trying automate translation jobs within workflow from Sites 9.1 to rename process instances to add the translation job name. ProcessInstance processInstance = new ProcessInstance(subject....
Chris Mills's user avatar
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How to Remote Debug WorkFlow Events Sites 9.1

Trying to remote debug sites 9.1 workflow events. After finally getting visual studio 2013 remote debugging connection to the Dev CMS Server from Amazon Workspace, I attached to the TcmWorkflowAgent....
Chris Mills's user avatar
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Workflow Activities Extensibility?

I'm reviewing the Workflow Activity screen with a customer and would like to confirm what's possible (Supported through a GUI extension). Can we add custom columns to the ones visible in the ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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Best way to package Workflow for Sites 9.1?

We can group and package extensions to Tridion Sites by creating an Add-on, which is a ZIP file containing configuration and related code. I can see the documentation for the extension types, in this ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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Replacing "user: information in Publishing Queue while auto-publishing a page in workflow

I have a few workflow-related questions and need some guidances. We had a very simple workflow definition, An editor creates and saves a page in the first activity The content is automatically ...
Tang Hu's user avatar
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Default Workflow name be changed in Translation job detail page

Web 8.5 Translation jobs detail - general page, the default workflow option will change to a different one after they submit to the next step. This is kind of strange, anyone ever see this error? see ...
Brian's user avatar
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Custom popup in Activities slide out

Is it possible to implement a popup dialog when a content author approves a Bundle Workflow i.e. in Activity dashboard in Tridion, when a content author selects a particular Next Activity in the ...
Bhushan Mali's user avatar
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CM 8.5 XPM continually prompts for Update Preview when page is in bundle workflow

We have a page with a single component on it, both part of a bundle with workflow associated. When user 1 changes the page metadata via XPM, they get an Update Preview prompt (which I assume is ...
Neil's user avatar
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Update approval status for copied component

If editors use the New Page functionality in XPM, which copies page and components, is it possible set the component Approval Status to "Unapproved" or a status that doesn't meet the Minimum Approval ...
Neil's user avatar
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Not able to start workflow of bundle using CoreService in Java

I am able to start workflow of bundle using CoreService in .Net with the below code: StartWorkflowInstructionData startWorkflowInstruction = new StartWorkflowInstructionData(); ...
Prashanthi Pothuru's user avatar
9 votes
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Unable to delete old workflow process

We are using Web 8.5 and we are trying to delete an old Workflow Process but the Bundle attached to the Process has been removed from the Workflow Instance and deleted. This is now causing the ...
Colin Zweers's user avatar
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Event doesn't fire when I use save component using workflow (SDL 8.5)

I have a schema with a workflow assigned. I need that if the Performer belongs to a certain group it finishes the process and bypasses the workflow (ending with the Approval Status we have as the ...
polonskyg's user avatar
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How to remove a single associated Schema from Workflow?

I'm attempting to remove Workflow from an instance of SDL Web Cloud. Unfortunately, Workflow has only been configured on the Staging/Live environment which limit what I can do. As a test, I've ...
Tim Alonso's user avatar
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Component Process + Translation Workflow Process (review)

While playing around with the Translation Review functionality (last heading on the page), I've noticed that you cannot attach both a Components Process + Translation Workflow Process (review) to a ...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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Image and PDF URLs are appended with -v0 in rendered JSP code when published with Workflow

We are using Tridion 2013 SP1. When publishing the components with workflow the urls are created with -v0 and it is not loading any content. Please suggest how to resolve this type of issues.
Srinivasarao Pureti's user avatar
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Is it possible to publish newly created items in Workflow?

I want to create a Workflow with the following scenario. A Workflow Process has been configured in Structure Group's property. Editor creates a Page. Then Workflow starts and the created Page gets ...
Hirokazu Shikata's user avatar
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Workflow in Web 8.1 not working

I'm using Web 8.1 and trying to create a workflow in Visio 2016. My last activity of the workflow is an automatic activity which publishes the item and I'm using an External Activity with the code in ...
polonskyg's user avatar
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Translation push job from external activity failing

I am trying to trigger a translation job from an external workflow activity on a Web 8.5 instance. When I save the TranslationJobData I get the following error: ERROR Project.Workflow....
Nicholas Robichaud's user avatar
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Unable to find Translation Manager TmBinaryEndpoint

I am attempting to automate translation jobs within workflow from Web 8.5. I have based my code on the top answer to this question. I am creating a SessionAwareTmServiceClient within the workflow ...
Nicholas Robichaud's user avatar
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XPM "Things to do" list and page context

The "Things to do" list in XPM contains a list of workflow activities a user can start/finish: This list can contain components that aren't on the page the user actually has open in XPM at that point ...
Neil's user avatar
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XPM automatically selects workflow activity but errors when saving

I've modified the OTB Translation Review workflow to remove the Reject activity: After my translation job comes back from TMS and the workflow enters the Translation Review activity I've opened the ...
Neil's user avatar
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Opening component under workflow displays "Unable to retrieve" error for workflow activity

This appears to be the same issue as Workflow Permissions Block Getting Message - I have a user that can read a bundle and the components within it, but when those components are under workflow (...
Neil's user avatar
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Activating Workflow dynamically

We have two sets of Users: One who (Set A) create content directly in Tridion and publish the Components. The other set (Set B) use a CoreService driven application (using Workflow) to Publish the ...
user2672's user avatar
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Triggering translation from workflow in SDL Web 8.5 and Translation server V12

A particular situation has risen where I need a simple workflow in place that allows me to trigger the translation of content in bundles or singular and when the translation is returned it will ...
Payam's user avatar
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How can I finish all Activities in the Workflow in SDL Web 8.5

I want to finish all the Activities in a Workflow in onetime by clicking the "Finish All" button. Tridion 2011 has this function in Workflow (see the picture). However, I cannot find the same button ...
Lee's user avatar
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Can Workflow be used to restrict the publishing/editing of a Page and its Components on selected Publications?

I have a requirement where we want to restrict the editing or publishing of a Page and its Components for certain Publications. However, we don't want this restriction to be applied to all ...
Yash's user avatar
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Can I register a CME Notification from a TBB?

I would like to throw a notification message in the CME message center from my workflow external activity TBB. I am just trying to do this but not sure this is possible. I can do this with help of ...
Jey's user avatar
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How to update bundle title in workflow started activities

I have business requirement to update bundle title in workflow started activities. Steps to replicate the issue: Open CME Create a Bundle and add items (Component/Page) Start Workflow process Click ...
Sudhakar Rao's user avatar
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Core Service Client lack of robustness in Workflow

I was recently asked "that hotfix looks pretty much the same as this problem we have here - should we just try it?". The challenge we've encountered is increasing timeouts (even with increased ...
Dylan .. Mark Saunders's user avatar
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Coreservice Clients in Workflow External Activities

I noticed, while implementing a External Activity of a Workflow Process in c#; I get these "Ready Made" client objects (CoreServiceClient, StreamUploadClient and StreamDownloadClient), which are ...
Saurabh Gangwar's user avatar
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Optimal way to handle un-localization of components?

Is there a way to trace and get the unlocalized content by accessing the database? Some of our content got un-localized and we are not able to trace how this could have happened. To prevent such ...
Yash's user avatar
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Where do we configure "minimum approval status" for a Web 8.5 solution using Topology Manager?

I want to prevent unapproved items publishing to Live. In Tridion 2013 we configure the Publication Target "minimum approval status". We have a new Web 8.5 solution using Topology Manager so we do ...
Chris Mills's user avatar
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Want to integrate my application with World Server

I want to integrate my application with worldserver for data translation between different languages. As we all know worldserver would give us context in whichever language we need Here is the ...
swathi's user avatar
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Imported RAZOR TBB in Workflow does not render

We are seeing an issue that when a template has a RAZOR TBB with an import: @importRazor("ContextLookupRCTBB.cshtml") Workflow can be started on the imported RAZOR TBB, but the in workflow version ...
Trevor Bartlett's user avatar
5 votes
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Permissions to Start a Bundle workflow

We are using Workflow on the Bundles with Tridion 2013 SP1 HR1. Our requirement is, when User(Content Editor/Author) creates/updates any content; he must put it in a bundle and start a workflow on it ...
Saurabh Gangwar's user avatar
5 votes
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Purging Workflow Audit Data

So we were using Workflow Auditing for one of our client, but later we decided to turn it off because: We were hardly using it The Auditing Snapshots of Content must have been consuming a lot of DB ...
Saurabh Gangwar's user avatar
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Workflow Activity Timeout

We have a Automatic Workflow Activity which gets timeout sometimes and it stops the Workflow Process and end user doesn't notice it unless he is an workflow admin and has Workflow Admin View access. ...
Saurabh Gangwar's user avatar
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Any possibility of instantiating sub work flow from an executing work flow

Can anybody suggest if there is a way to instantiate a sub work flow from a work flow in SDL web 8? thanks
TAPAN VAIDYA's user avatar
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Issue with forcing items (using schema flag) through workflow bundles and content porting

Background We have the flag on the schema selected to force an editor to have to push components through workflow; when this is checked, a new component will not attain a full version number (1.0) ...
Dylan .. Mark Saunders's user avatar
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How to Schedule publishing with in Workflow in SDL web8

How to implement this with in Workflow - "In the workflow when the approver has approved the item then it should be scheduled for future publishing date say tommorrow 8pm. Is there any API method that ...
Gulshan Thakur's user avatar
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How to revert the Workflow Process for the Bundle as normal user in Anguilla?

When I tried to revert the Workflow Process for the Bundle as a normal user through below code in Anguilla, It's showing the error as "You doesn't have enough permissions to do that". process....
Target's user avatar
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Workflow Designer | The Operation has Timed out

When I try connecting the CM from Visio Workflow Designer by double clicking the any WF activity, the designer pops up a dialog to enter credentials and after submitting the credentials, I am getting ...
Saurabh Gangwar's user avatar
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Can assign a Workflow activity to multiple users from an Automatic Activity

We have a single group for editors and want to setup a Workflow in which any one from the editors Group can review & approve the change except the one who actually did the change.
Sourav Garg's user avatar
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Forcing Bundle Workflow Process on Components | Workflow Process hasTranslation functionality

So we wanted to force Components into workflow before any changes are made to them. For this we use the checkbox “Any changes made to a Component based on this Schema require approval by a Bundle ...
Saurabh Gangwar's user avatar
7 votes
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Minor Version not Published in XPM

When I make a change in XPM, to a Workflow enabled item, I would expect the edited (minor version to be republished) However, I see that only the last major version seems to be automatically ...
Chris Morgan's user avatar
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Workflow Permissions Block Getting Message

Our users do not have "Workflow Management” rights. We do not want them to be able to cancel or force finish Workflow jobs. We are facing a problem (exception) when the user opens the jobs and tries ...
Chris Morgan's user avatar
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SDL Web8 Workflow failing with error String cannot be of zero length

Workflow is failing with below error,can you please help me System.ArgumentException: String cannot be of zero length. Parameter name: oldValue at System.String.ReplaceInternal(String oldValue, ...
Prasanna K Gollamudi's user avatar

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