I have been trying to output the XPM page tags from a C# TBB but for some reason the Dreamweaver Engine does not allow me to output HTML Comments.
I have the following HTML Comment code being pushed to the package as type HTML with Name = SiteEditTags:
<!-- Page Settings: {"PageID":"tcm:11-349-64","PageModified":"2013-07-24T09:58:04","PageTemplateID":"tcm:11-78-128","PageTemplateModified":"2013-08-06T18:11:34"} -->
<!-- Bootstrap script commented out for preview: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" defer="defer" src="http://tridion2011/Views/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.aspx?mode=js" id="tridion.siteedit"></script>-->
I can see it in the package as well but in the DWT @@SiteEditTags@@
gets replaced with nothing, which would indicate the Dreamweaver Template Engine is stripping out the HTML comments.
Could someone please help me identify if this is an inbuilt mechanism or a defect?