I want to fetch all the keywords used in the component content not in the metadata. I am using GetListUsedKeywords() method to get the keywords of the components. I have written a code like below:

XDocument document = null;
XDocument document = XDocument.Parse(compCurrent.GetListUsedKeywords().OuterXml);//ListColumnFilter.XMLListExtended).Replace("tcm:Item", "tcmItem"));

I am getting the result like below in document variable,

<tcm:ListUsedItems xmlns:tcm="http://www.tridion.com/ContentManager/5.0">
  <tcmItem ID="tcm:89-43995-1024" Title="Environment" Type="1024" OrgItemID="tcm:89-6332-512" Path="\120 Rolls-Royce.com Schemas\Sustainability" Icon="T1024L0P0" Publication="120 Rolls-Royce.com Schemas" />
  <tcmItem ID="tcm:89-43996-1024" Title="Communities" Type="1024" OrgItemID="tcm:89-6332-512" Path="\120 Rolls-Royce.com Schemas\Sustainability" Icon="T1024L0P0" Publication="120 Rolls-Royce.com Schemas" />
  <tcmItem ID="tcm:89-48010-1024" Title="Case Study" Type="1024" OrgItemID="tcm:89-7063-512" Path="\120 Rolls-Royce.com Schemas\Functionality Type" Icon="T1024L0P0" Publication="120 Rolls-Royce.com Schemas" />

As in this result, The method GetListUSedKeywords() brings all the keywords(in content as well as metadata). I do not want element with Title "Case Study" , as it belongs to metadata of the component.

How can I filter and fetch only the keywords of the component content and not metadata?

is it possible by GetListUsedKeywords(filter) by passing filter to the function?

pls help.

  • Can you give some more detail about the Component and its Schema, from your list I would say that all three of those Keywords are used by the Component. Commented Mar 20, 2014 at 11:38
  • 1. do you mean "Group" by category in the sentence(because it is actually not in a group of other two elements) ? 2. what do you mean by "Folder" in the sentence (last element in xml, which is coming from the other folder). I guess you mean "Category" here, right? Commented Mar 20, 2014 at 12:01
  • @SaurabhGangwar, Yes it is a type of Category.
    – Urvesh
    Commented Mar 20, 2014 at 12:05
  • against which condition(logic) you want to filter out the last Element? Commented Mar 20, 2014 at 12:09
  • @saurab,@Bart - The actual problem is that the case study is the keyword which is in the metadata of the component. So the method .GetListUSedKeywords brings all the keywords. My component uses 2 keywords and third keyword (case study)which is in the metadata of the component is also coming. How can i filter and fetch only the keywords of the component and not metadata.
    – Urvesh
    Commented Mar 20, 2014 at 12:18

1 Answer 1


To filter out keywords used in content data, you need to read the schema of the component and go through all the content fields.

if field is using a category, add it to a collection object (string[] CatIDs in the code below). and use it for filtering the xml results.

you can try the below code:

                            string[] CatIDs; // collection of the categories used in conent fields
                            XElement xmlData;
                            xmlData = document.Root;
                            XNamespace ns = xmlData.GetDefaultNamespace();
                            string fieldName = "tcmItem";

//filtering out keywords form the category tcm:89-7063-512
                            var results = xmlData.Descendants(ns + fieldName).Where(i => CatIDs.Contains( i.Attribute("OrgItemID").Value));

the variable results shall contain the filtered elements.

PS: I have not run this code, adjustments could be needed

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