I'm using DD4T Java release v2.0.4. FasterXML Jackson package v2.6.4.

When deserializing a Page JSON I'm getting the following error:

Can not construct instance of org.dd4t.contentmodel.impl.BaseField,
problem: abstract types either need to be mapped to concrete types,
have custom deserializer, or be instantiated with additional type
information at [Source: {"RevisionDate":"2016-05-06T14:15:45",
...................etc etc etc .......... at line: 1, column: 200]
(through reference chain: org.dd4t.contentmodel.impl.PageImpl["PageTemplate"]->

The error makes sense, since the MetadataFields declaration in BaseRepositoryLocalItem looks like:

@JsonProperty ("MetadataFields")
@JsonDeserialize (contentAs = BaseField.class)
protected Map<String, Field> metadata;

How is this supposed to work? Should I create my own specific model object? Should I create a custom deserializer? Or is it actually a bug?

Thanks in advance!

1 Answer 1


Self answering ;)

I was missing a configuration in the applicationContext.xml (or dispatcher-servlet.xml if you're using Spring MVC):

<context:annotation-config/> (or <context:component-scan/>)

This enables Spring framework to execute annotations such as @PostConstruct. Once this was in place, method Init from JsonDataBinder would be executed:

protected void init () {...}

As such, the Json mapper would be initialized and configured correctly.

My bean definitions look like this now:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"



<bean id="dataBindFactory" scope="singleton" class="org.dd4t.databind.DataBindFactory" factory-method="getInstance">
    <property name="dataBinder" ref="dataBinder"/>

<bean id="dataBinder" class="org.dd4t.databind.builder.json.JsonDataBinder" factory-method="getInstance">
    <property name="viewModelPackageRoot" value="mydd4t.models"/>
    <property name="viewModelMetaKeyName" value="view"/>
    <property name="renderDefaultComponentModelsOnly" value="false"/>
    <property name="renderDefaultComponentsIfNoModelFound" value="true"/>
    <property name="converter" ref="modelConverter"/>
    <property name="concreteComponentPresentationImpl"
    <property name="concreteComponentTemplateImpl" value="org.dd4t.contentmodel.impl.ComponentTemplateImpl"/>
    <property name="concreteComponentImpl" value="org.dd4t.contentmodel.impl.ComponentImpl"/>
    <property name="concreteFieldImpl" value="org.dd4t.contentmodel.impl.BaseField"/>

<bean id="modelConverter" class="org.dd4t.databind.builder.json.JsonModelConverter"/>

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