I started the DXA install following the steps from the documentation but got stuck with the following error. I however proceeded with next step to import and that worked fine.
I get a rather strange error which says it cannot convert System.Object[]
to the type System.String
I looked into the script, it is trying to split the baseUrls
. Is it expecting more URLs here? I tried comma separated -> dxastaging, dxalive
and http://dxastatging, http://dxalive
etc. but it didn't work.
do { $baseUrls = Read-Host "Enter DXA '$($cdEnvironment.EnvironmentPurpose)' Website Base URL(s)" }
until ($baseUrls)
$baseUrls = $baseUrls.Split(",")
$website = Add-TtmWebsite -CdEnvironmentId $cdEnvironment.Id -BaseUrls $baseUrls -ErrorVariable cmdletError
Error message:
PS E:\sw\Tridion\SDL DXA .NET 1.4\cms> .\ttm-prepare.ps1
Enter DXA 'Staging Staging' Website Base URL(s): dxastaging
Add-TtmWebsite : Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'System.String' required by parameter 'CdEnvironmentId'.
Specified method is not supported.
At E:\sw\Tridion\SDL DXA .NET 1.4\cms\ttm-prepare.ps1:112 char:56
+ $website = Add-TtmWebsite -CdEnvironmentId $cdEnvironment.Id -BaseUr ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Add-TtmWebsite], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgument,Tridion.TopologyManager.Automation.AddWebsiteCommand
Website registered with Id '' and Base URL(s): dxastaging
Please provide information for the 'Live' CD Environment:
Enter Discovery Service URL (leave empty if you don't want to configure it):
Enter OAuth Client ID (leave empty if OAuth is not used):
Add-TtmCdEnvironment : Property 'DiscoveryEndpointUrl' of the item of type 'CdEnvironmentData' must be unique. Source
of conflict: 'CdEnvironment2'.
At E:\sw\Tridion\SDL DXA .NET 1.4\cms\ttm-prepare.ps1:78 char:34
+ $cdEnvironment = Add-TtmCdEnvironment `
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Tridion.Topolog...ironmentCommand:AddCdEnvironmentCommand) [Add-TtmCdEnvi
ronment], DataServiceException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Tridion.TopologyManager.Automation.AddCdEnvironmentCommand
Enter Discovery Service URL (leave empty if you don't want to configure it):
Applying Site Type Keys 'DxaSiteType' and 'DxaExampleSite' to DXA Web Applications:
Add-TtmSiteTypeKey : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'WebApplicationIds' because it is null.
At E:\sw\Tridion\SDL DXA .NET 1.4\cms\ttm-prepare.ps1:144 char:93
+ ... ApplicationIds $stagingDxaWebAppIds | Out-Null
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Add-TtmSiteTypeKey], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Tridion.TopologyManager.Automation.Cmdlet
Add-TtmSiteTypeKey : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'WebApplicationIds' because it is null.
At E:\sw\Tridion\SDL DXA .NET 1.4\cms\ttm-prepare.ps1:145 char:96
+ ... ApplicationIds $stagingDxaWebAppIds | Out-Null
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Add-TtmSiteTypeKey], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Tridion.TopologyManager.Automation.Cmdlet