I'm trying to run the branch develop for the project web-application-java in github using the 2013sp1 profile. However, when installing the app with maven all the dxa dependencies can not be found

The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.dd4t:dd4t-api:jar:2.0.5-DXA, org.dd4t:dd4t-core:jar:2.0.5-DXA, org.dd4t:dd4t-databind:jar:2.0.5-DXA, org.dd4t:dd4t-providers:jar:2013sp1:2.0.5-DXA: Could not find artifact org.dd4t:dd4t-api:jar:2.0.5-DXA in central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/)

I think there's a problem with the DXA classifier which is not defined in the repo.


Is it alright? Or I'm missing any extra configuration?

1 Answer 1


Try adding this in your pom.xml (for version 1.4)


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