I want to add another BaseUrl to my existing TopologyManager website.
I am trying this without any luck. Suggestions?
Set-TtmWebsite -Id Website2 -BaseUrls @{"http://localhost:8999/","http://localhost:58300/"}
Set-TtmWebsite -id Website1 -BaseUrls "http://local.devstage.web.com", "http://local1.devstage.web.com"
For completeness, here's a similar useful technique. If you wish to use the same content service for multiple websites, you may already have things set up for one or more Urls and wish to add another. Rather than type everything in again, you can start by querying the existing website data, modify the BaseUrls property and save it back:
$websiteData = Get-TtmWebsite -id Website6
$websiteData.BaseUrls += "http://www.example.com"
Set-TtmWebsite -Data $websiteData
In PowerShell, @{}
is used for hash tables (key-value pairs), whereas @()
is used for arrays.
So this will work:
Set-TtmWebsite -Id Website2 -BaseUrls @("http://localhost:8999/","http://localhost:58300/")