I am upgrading Trdion 2013sp1 to SDLWEB8.5 version. Try to create new bundle in sdlweb8.5. I got None value for Bundle Type. it`s same working fine in sdl tridion2013 sp1. any suggestion to fix this issue in sdlweb8.5.
SDL Tridion 2013sp1 Code:
c.MetaSchemaDropdown.setValue(tcmIDmSchema); // the corresponding Metadata Schema
var value = c.MetaSchemaDropdown.getValue();
var metadataSchema = value ? $models.getItem(value) : null; // Does it has a value.. and we will !
var item = $display.getView().getItem();
this.setMetadataSchema(value, this); // Setting Schema
$display.getView().applyFieldsSchema(metadataSchema, true); /