I am currently struggling with the DXA Configuration / Resource settings. I was looking at the documentation Managing configuration (Java) and saw that I can either use my own Schema or the existing generic Schema based on key/value pairs. I personally dont want our editors to be able to mess the key/value pairs up so I decided to go the custom Schema way.
I do currently have an existing Schema that I want to use as DXA settings:
Schema Name: System - MVP Intranet Configuration
<intraConfiguration xmlns="uuid:00c95b0d-7dca-4fbf-9718-08a0c9b4ea47">
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So since the documentation only covers the Generic key/value Schema, my question is: How can I use my own configuration Schema as stated in the documentation?
I tried messing around with
(my DXA module is called MVP-Core) but I was only able to read values from the generic Schema, not from my own.
The settings Component is linked to my Module Configuration Component and is Published in the /_System/settings.json
This is a picture of my Module configuration:
Thanks for your help and advice!