Q1. What is the latest version update of Java 6 that is supported for Tridion 2011 SP1 HR1?
Q2. Also, given the problems with different Java 6 updates and Tridion, which other Java 6 version updates are supported and proven to work for Tridion 2011 SP1?
Q3. The information I have been able to obtain is that Java 7 is only supported on Tridion 2013 (here).
Is possible that Tridion will release a service pack or hotfix with Java 7 support for Tridion 2011 SP1 (because of the known security issues in Java 6 versions)?
Q4. In an environment in which the CM, Publisher, Deployer and the presentation server(s) are on separate machines, would be possible to upgrade just the presentation servers to Java 7?